Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Friends, God, disappointment, and so on

This will be typed in code. The reason why is that I feel like I am mostly complaining. I wanted somewhere to let off some steam, and I feel like I can do that here. Also, I can type in a manner that most people will not be able to understand. And I kind of like that.
But, after typing it...I feel like something came out that I did not plan on or expect. So here is a hint: God = Sap. Here is another hint: 12.

Sap iuxx zaf xqmhq ad rademwq ge. Sap iuxx zaf xqf ge paiz. Rduqzpe iuxx. Rduqzpe tmhq. U wzai U zqqp fa xqmdz ftmf Sap ue ftq Azxk Azq U etagxp pqbqzp az, ngf U wqqb tabuzs U omz ruzp eayqazq ita U omz pqbqzp az ftmf ue zaf Sap. Itk?? U paz'f wzai. Ngf U wzai Tq ue fqmotuzs yq ftmf xqeeaz. U wzai Tq tme fduqp fa etai yq ftmf nqradq. U wzai U tmhq xqmdzqp uf, mf xqmef bmdfumxxk, uz ftq bmef. Mzp kqf tqdq U my msmuz, tgdf rday itmf rqqxe xuwq nquzs uszadqp.
Paqe Sap rqqx ftq emyq imk?
Ftq imk U xahq yk rduqzpe ue bdqffk uzeuszuruomzf oaybmdqp fa ftq hmef xahq ftmf Sap tme rad qmot ar ge. Ur uf tgdfe yq ftue ygot itqz U imzf fa fmxw fa eayqazq mzp ftqk mdq zaf dqebazpuzs, mzp uf rqqxe xuwq ftqk paz'f qhqz imzf fa dqebazp, tai ygot yadq ea iagxp uf tgdf ftq Xadp ar ftq gzuhqdeq itqz ftq anvqofe ar Tue xahq pa zaf dqebazp mzp fgdz fa xuefqz fa Tue iadpe? Iai. U etagxp dqmxxk efab nquzs ea eqxruet. Sap U zqqp kagd tqxb...


  1. Pa kag zqqp fa fmxw? Nqomgeq ur ea, U'xx xuefqz.

  2. Ymknq...U rqqx xuwq U saf yaef ar uf agf az tqdq, ngf uf ue eayqftuzs ftmf dqmxxk naftqde yq/sqfe yq paiz. U mbbdqoumfq uf ftagst, U dqmxxk pa :) Uf yqmze m xaf ftmf kag iqzf ftdagst ftq pqoapuzs mzp ftqz fkbqp m oayyqzf uz ftq oapq...

  3. Hey- sorry for the late response. This reminds me a lot of what I am struggling with right now… except the opposite. It would be really interesting to discuss the differences in where we are coming from with you. I'm 3 floors down if you are free sometime :)

    p.s. sorry I didn't respond in code

  4. haha don't worry about it Jamie :) I would enjoy talking to you anytime! I'll come visit you sometime!

