Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Post!!!

exciting huh?
hmm... how about those questions that no human really knows the answer to? or at least no humans i know know the answer to. like, if God has a plan that is going to come through no matter what, why should we pray? well, Philip Yancey has an answer, because Jesus did. but also, questions like babies who die soon after birth, or someone who lives in a remote colony and never hears of Jesus... or angels, demons, fall of satan.. all those things. where did they come from? why does gravity and physics work the way they do? *shrug* idk. who does?
God does!!! yay! lets leave that up to Him. He did give us curiosity for a reason.. which makes me wonder, what does God get curious about? maybe whether or not we will choose Him... hm.
mental wrestling!


  1. All of those are interesting questions that many struggle with. I'd like to add a more basic one myself: Why do bad things happen to good people?
    I recall that being one of the many questions we tackled in college in various classes as a Religion/Philosophy major.
    Thanks for writing on my blog-aside from my wife, not many do these days. I'm glad that your thirst for knowledge and your quest to grow closer with Christ has taken root (Matt. 7:7)

  2. Well, to answer your question, I feel that you must first identify what is a bad thing and who is a good person ;)
