The words could possibly be changed, as far as the order of them goes. But anyway. Here is what I'm thinking about.
Knowing - that knows; having knowledge or information; intelligent. (in other words, to know something, to be aware of it)
Doing - the act of performing or executing : action
Thinking - to employ one's mind rationally and objectively in evaluating or dealing with a given situation
Alright, there are some definitions from the internet. But even if you just look at the words, all of them have the good old suffix -ing. This implies that there is something happening, it is a current action or state (from the internet: expressing the action of the verb or its result, product, material, etc.)
So all of these words could be classified as 'active.' Each of them means you are doing something. But I suppose some might disagree. "Knowing," it can be argued, "is not really active, it is simply a passive state of being." I would say that is fair, but there is still that suffix to deal with. If it helps, let's just take it out: Know. Or, To Know. ok. good.
So, to know something is passive. It isn't doing (that is one of the words already!) something, is it? Is it more of the result of doing something? You read a book, you know what is in it. You talk to a person, you know (hopefully!) how they are doing, what their day has been like, what they are up to, and so on. Maybe, just maybe! before you do something, you even think about it.
I think about talking with someone, then I go and do it, and then I know more about them. It is sort of a progression, huh? So is one greater than any of the others?
Is it better to know information than to do something because of the information? Is it better to think about something before doing that something? Or is it better to do something, even if you don't know everything or even if you think it might not be a good idea?
I think it depends on the situation, personally.
But, in most cases, I think doing is more productive. It may not get the desired results right away, or without thinking about what you are going to do, but it does get something done, right? So why procrastinate?
Well, procrastinating is easy. Doing things can be hard. Especially when doing something involves making a change; changes are not especially easy to enforce, or begin, or maintain. But why? If things are always changing, why do we find it hard to change? Is it that we want to stick with what is easy? We want things to just stay as they are?
I'm not sure what my point is here, but here is a quote I will end with:
We change when the pain to change is less than the pain to remain as we are. -Ed Foreman
PS- I got the definitions from a couple of dictionary websites by doing a web search. Same with the quote.
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